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Nursing Home Abuse at Alden Lincoln Park Rehab and Health Care Center

If you’re a senior citizen who will need rehabilitation services after surgery or a major medical procedure, there are many short-term assisted living facilities to choose from. In fact, the number of choices might be overwhelming. It’s tempting to pick one that’s closest to home or the cheapest or has a familiar name. But will you get the care you deserve there?

All too often assisted living and rehab centers find themselves short staffed. Whether it’s because they can’t pay for enough staff or can’t find enough qualified caregivers doesn’t matter; what does matter is how it affects the level of care you receive. Fewer caregivers means less attention to spread out among residents, which means important protocols can fall through the cracks and standards slip. This is a recipe for neglect and even abuse of residents.

If you will be receiving care at an Illinois short-term rehab center, Levin & Perconti wants to give you the information to protect yourself from careless staff. We share nursing home ratings from public records on for individual facilities to help you pick a safe facility, and we offer tips for identifying signs of nursing home abuse and neglect while you’re there. We wish you the best in your rehabilitation, but if you do experience any mistreatment, we are here to help you seek appropriate recourse.

About Alden Lincoln Park Rehab and Health Care Center

504 West Wellington Avenue
Chicago, IL 60657
(773) 281-6200

Alden Lincoln Park Rehab and Health Care Center is a rehabilitation facility with 96 beds. It specializes in short-term rehabilitation, transitional care, and post-acute services in luxurious accommodations.

Medicare awarded Alden Lincoln Park Rehab and Health Care Center an overall rating of Below Average in 2024. This rating includes an Average health inspections rating, a Much Below Average staffing rating, and an Average quality measures rating.

The health inspection rating is the most important to look at when picking a nursing home. Here are some of the infractions noted on the most recent health inspection reports:

7/25/24 Failure to ensure that a resident’s call light was accessible and within reach to call for staff assistance. A resident was observed in his room. His call light was observed wrapped around his dresser drawer behind the resident, not within the resident’s reach. When asked where his call light was, the resident replied he did not know, and that he just yells for staff when he needs help from anyone. This resident had a history of falling, needed assistance with personal care, and a number of other diagnoses.

7/25/24 Failure to ensure equipment used after bladder irrigation was discarded after use in an effort to prevent cross contamination and follow infection protocols. An Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) sign was posted outside a resident’s room, where a piston syringe and a saline solution bottle were found. Both the piston syringe and the saline solution bottle were past their recommended usage dates at the time of finding. The Equipment Change schedule documented a policy that states, “Equipment will be changed following established schedules to prevent cross contamination.” The Director of Nursing stated that the piston syringe used for irrigation should be discarded after each use to prevent the introduction of bacteria and reduce the risk of infection for the resident.

7/25/24 Failure to ensure the nebulizer equipment was changed weekly on 1 resident; failure to label with date the nasal canula on 3 residents; and failure to label with date the humidifier bottle for 1 resident. It was noted that a resident’s nebulizer tubing had not been changed according to the facility’s policy of replacing nebulizer equipment weekly. Another 3 residents were observed with unlabeled oxygen tubing, which was not in compliance with labeling standards. The facility’s policy requires that they are changed monthly and labeled.

7/25/24 Failure to label opened multi dose vials. The first-floor medication refrigerator had an open house stock vial of Tuberculin Purified Protein Derivative with no label of when it was opened. When inquired about the missing label, a staff member was noted to be under the impression that the facility went by the expiration date on the medication. On another noted date, a resident’s Travoprost eye drops were opened with no label marking when they were opened. A staff member expressed their understanding of the importance of labeling when medications are opened, as the expiration dates change once the medications have been opened.

7/25/24 Failure to perform hand hygiene in between assisting one resident during dining services and failure to don Personal Protective Equipment when performing care on one resident on Enhanced Barrier Precautions isolation to prevent the spread of infectious microorganisms. A staff member was observed wiping spilled liquids with towels, then grabbing two sandwiches while still holding the wet towels from the spill. A staff member was observed entering an Enhanced Barrier Precautions (EBP) sign without wearing a gown as instructed via the EBP sign. The resident whose room had an EBP sign had a diagnosis which included non-pressure chronic ulcer of other part of left lower leg, quadriplegia, radiculopathy cervical region, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Acting Against Elder Abuse

If you are concerned about the safety of yourself or a loved one while in assisted living, there are things you can do to reduce the chances of neglect or abuse.

Start by doing your best to find a highly rated nursing home with few complaints or health infractions. You can find these ratings on or read reviews from other residents and families online.

Tour multiple prospective facilities to see what the environment and staff are like. Stop in unannounced to ask a question or two and observe the daily activities while there isn’t a carefully planned tour going on.

Make sure family or friends know where you will be staying during your rehabilitation and make arrangements for visits and frequent communication. Pay attention to how clean the facility is and how the staff behaves towards residents during your stay Also become familiar with common signs of neglect and abuse. There are many, but here’s a list to get you started:

  • Untreated severe bedsores
  • Unexplained injuries like bruises, burns, or scars
  • Evidence of poor circulation like sunken cheeks or eyes
  • Weight loss or malnourishment not due directly to an illness
  • Frequent trips to the emergency room or doctor
  • Wrong type or the wrong amount of medication administered
  • Poor hygiene or unwashed clothes or hair
  • Instances of wandering or elopement
  • Frequently misplaced or lost personal items
  • A lack of basic necessities, including utilities, water, and food
  • A dirty room or bathroom
  • Frequent trouble sleeping
  • Unusual violent or withdrawn behavior

If you observe anything untoward, don’t be afraid to question staff about facility policies and protocols. Sometimes residents are afraid to say anything because they are unsure if they are experiencing something criminal or they don’t want to be perceived as difficult or they fear retribution. But you always have the right to ask about your care. If you aren’t comfortable reporting something alone, ask friends or family to help.

Document any harm or disrespect you’ve experienced and take your findings to the facility management. They should be willing to take your concerns seriously and implement effective solutions in a timely manner. However, if they become dismissive or defensive and fail to take corrective action, it may be time to seek legal help.

Seeking Legal Counsel

Neglect and abuse of senior citizens should never occur, but unfortunately it does in many forms. The attorneys at Levin & Perconti have personally prosecuted cases including the following:

If you or someone you love have been the victim of personal injury at the hands of an assisted living or rehabilitation facility in Illinois, please know you have rights. If you are unsure if you have a case or what the next steps are, the expert attorneys at Levin & Perconti can give you the information you need. We specialize in elder abuse cases and can tell you everything you need to know. Just click or call Levin & Perconti at 888-424-5757 any time to get all the answers and help you need.

Disclaimer: The above health inspection findings are taken from public records kept and published by Medicare and the state of Illinois and are not complete. Levin & Perconti cannot confirm that this page’s content includes the latest information available. Any corrections or additions made to these public records after publication of this page will not be found here. For the most up-to-date information, visit or . This page is a legal advertisement and informational resource for visitors and is not endorsed by the named facility or any government agency. Levin & Perconti does not have any affiliation with the named facility.
